
Tippani APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 3.8.5b
  • 4.6

  • Estado de Seguridad del APK

Análisis Softonic

Aplicación simple y limpia para tomar notas: Tippani

Tippani is a small, simple, and clean note-taking app designed to help users keep their little notes organized. Available for Android devices, this app works seamlessly on both phones and tablets.

One of the main features of Tippani is its customization options. Users can personalize their note-taking experience by choosing background colors and adjusting text size according to their preferences. Additionally, the app supports semi-rich text, allowing users to format their notes with options like bold and italic font types.

Another useful feature is the auto list functionality, which allows users to create lists using dash, number, or alphabet formats. This makes it easy to organize thoughts, tasks, or ideas within the notes.

Tippani also offers widgets for the home screen and lock screen, providing quick access to notes without opening the app. Sharing notes is a breeze, thanks to the app's easy sharing feature.

For users who rely on voice commands, Tippani integrates with Google Now. Users can simply say "note to self" or "take a note" to add a new note directly within the app.

In addition, Tippani offers the option to sync notes with Google Drive, available as an in-app purchase. This ensures that notes are securely backed up and accessible across devices.

Furthermore, Tippani allows users to export their notes to various formats, including .txt and .html, providing flexibility in accessing and sharing notes outside of the app.

With its simple interface and useful features, Tippani is a valuable tool for anyone in need of a straightforward note-taking app. Whether it's jotting down quick reminders or organizing thoughts, Tippani makes the process efficient and hassle-free.

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Tippani APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 3.8.5b
  • 4.6

  • Estado de Seguridad del APK

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